External job

With this job type, you can execute a job from another Integrator project as a sub-job, which allows you to split Integrator logic into several projects and execute them together in one central job. Predefined jobs from other Integrator projects can be used.

The project must be defined and stored in the same Jedox installation. The user must have sufficient authorizations to execute jobs in the external Integrator project.

See below detailed explanation on how to fill out the respective fields.


This field affects the selections available in the Project dropdown list.

None All projects are available for selection. For projects in a model, the project name should include the model’s prefix. For example, om.jedox.model.costcenter~Procedures.
Global Only global projects are available for selection in the Project dropdown list. In this case, it is not necessary to include the model’s prefix in the project’s name. For example, for model CostCenter: project name: Procedures.

All other options in this dropdown list are currently installed Models. Selecting a Model makes all projects within that Model available for selection in the Project dropdown list.


It's the Integrator project that has the job you want to run. This dropdown list is dynamically updated with the selection made in Scope, as described above.


Name of the job inside of the selected Integrator project.

Variable handling in external jobs

In a job of type External, it is possible to set values for the variables of the referenced external project. The job in the external project is then executed with these variable values. For all variables in the external project that are NOT set explicitly in the calling job, the variable default values inside of the external project (or, if set, the variable values of the called job) are used.

Fail on status

If the job executes several loads or sub-jobs, the selected option defines the behavior in case of a warning or an error message in one of the loads or sub-jobs. The options are described below.

none All subsequent loads or sub-jobs are executed even if errors or warnings occur. The job terminates with "Completed with warnings" or "Completed with errors" or "Completed successfully".
error In case of an error message, the job terminates without executing subsequent loads or sub-jobs and the job terminates with status "Failed". In case of warnings subsequent loads or sub-jobs are executed and the job terminates with "Completed with warnings".
warning In case of a warning or an error message, the job terminates without executing subsequent loads or sub-jobs and the job terminates with status "Failed".
inherit If the job is executed directly (without parent job) it uses failOnStatus "error". Otherwise if the job is used as a sub-job it inherits the failOnStatus of its parent job (see corresponding descriptions of these failOnStatus options above).

Updated September 27, 2022