SAP Transport Packages
Below are technical descriptions of SAP transport packages.
Basic RFC-Package: SAP Package /JDX/CONN_MAIN | ||
Function group: /JDX/RFC_MAIN Short description: Jedox SAP Connector: RFC access |
Function Module: /JDX/RFC_READ_TABLE | Description: External access to R/3 tables via RFC Required for extract: SAPTable, SAPBICube Enhancements to Function Module RFC_READ_TABLE as of OSS note 758278 |
Dictionary Objects | Structure: /JDX/TAB4000 | Description: Table with 4000 characters |
Package for SAP BW: SAP Package /JDX/CONN_BW | ||
Function group: /JDX/RFC_BW Short description: Jedox SAP Connectivity: Access to SAP BW |
Function Module: /JDX/CHA_GET_VALUES_RFC | Description: Read BW Characteristic values, Attributes and Texts Required for extracts: SAPBIHierarchy, SAPBIMaster Calls the following Function Modules: RSD_IOBJ_GET RSD_CHA_GET_VALUES FS_BAPI_BAPIRET2_FILL |
Function Module: /JDX/CUBE_DATA_READ | Description: Read transaction data of a cube Required for extracts: SAPBICube Calls the following Function Modules: RSDPLU_TMPTAB_CLEANUP RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_RFC RSDPLU_TMPTAB_REGISTER | |
Dictionary Objects | Structure: /JDX/RSDM_S_OBJECT | Description: BW Infoobject with Attribute values |
Structure: /JDX/RSDM_S_VALUE | Description: BW attribute values | |
Structure: /JDX/RSDMR_X_S_SELOPT | Description: Selection options | |
Package for SAP ERP: SAP Package /JDX/CONN_ERP | ||
Function group: /JDX/RFC_ERP Short description: Jedox SAP Connector: ERP access |
Function Module: /JDX/SET_TREE_IMPORT | Description: Read hierarchy tables for groups (e.g. Cost center groups) Required for extract SAPERPHierarchy Calls the following Function Modules: K_KOKRS_READ G_SET_ENCRYPT_SETID G_SET_TREE_IMPORT BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET2 |
Function Module: /JDX/IMPORT_BALANCE_SHEET | Description: Extract financial statement positions Required for extract SAPBalanceSheet Calls the following Function Modules: FI_IMPORT_BALANCE_SHEET_POS FI_IMPORT_BALANCE_SHEET_TEXT BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET2 | |
Function Module: /JDX/ORDER_SELECT | Description: Extract Order Master Data Required for extract SAPERPHierarchy Calls the following Function Modules: K_KOKRS_READ K_ORDER_SELECT BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET2 |
Updated June 5, 2023