FieldTransform Functions Overview
You can use the following FieldTransform Functions to perform field-based transformations on the data source:
Aggregation | Calculates an aggregated value for several numerical source fields. |
ColumnAggregation |
Performs sum, min, max, or count operations on numeric values from one or two columns and applies them to another column. |
Concatenation | Merges several input fields into a new field |
DateDuration | Calculates the number of hours, days, or other time unit between two different input dates or calculates a new date by adding a given number of hours, days, or other time unit to a given date. |
DateFormat | Converts a date or time input into another date or time format. |
Groovy | Executes a script in the Groovy programming language. |
JavaScript | Executes a script in the JavaScript script language. |
LastNonEmpty | Replaces the empty column values with the last column value of preceding rows that are not empty. |
Lookup | Creates a dynamical mapping of values. |
LookupInterval | Maps the values that are contained in dynamical intervals of a source. |
Map | Transforms the input field via a fixed mapping list. |
NumberFormat | Attempts to convert the input into a numerical figure. |
OlapData | Gives you simple access to a single OLAP cube cell value during a transformation process. |
Previous | Returns a column value from one of the preceding rows. |
Random | Returns a random integer or double value per row. |
Replace | Replaces the text of an input field in accordance with a regular expression. |
RowNumber | Creates a new column and counts the number of lines in the source starting from a defined start value. |
Split | Splits the input text into separate parts around a given separator. It returns one of the parts specified by parameter occurrence. |
SubString | Extracts a particular part of the input field. |
Switch | Defines a complex condition to determine the function value. |
UpperLower | Checks or changes an input field. |
Updated September 27, 2022