Overview of Tree Formats

ea Element and attributes (without hierarchical information).
fh TreeFH (Full Hierarchy Tree): creates a full, level-based hierarchy. See article TreeFH Transform.
fhw TreeFH with weights.
fhwa TreeFH with weights and attributes.
lew TreeLE (Tree Level and Element): level element with weights. See article TreeLE Transform.
lewta TreeLE with weights, type (string, numeric, consolidated), and attributes.
ncw TreeNC: N stands for base element and C stands for consolidated element. Numeric-consolidated type with weights. See TreeNC Transform.
ncwa TreeNC with weights and attributes.
none Does not build a tree, but delivers the underlying tabular raw data of the source. This format has the fastest response time, but the data might be incomplete or not correctly ordered. "None" is the default format, if no tree format is specified.
pc TreePC (Parent-Child): creates a tree with parent-child relationships, attributes and weights. See article TreePC Transform.
pcw TreePC with weights.
pcwa TreePC with weights and attributes.
pcwat TreePC with weights, attributes, and type (string, numeric, consolidated).


When referencing a tree-based source and no tree format is set or format is "NONE", then the "native" format of the source is used.

The "native" format of the source is "FH" for all tree-based extracts/ transform types, except the following three transforms:

  • For TreeNC it is "NCWA"
  • For TreePC it is "PCWA"
  • For TreeLE it is "LEWTA".

In all these cases the ordering of the elements may be different as when the according tree format is set.

Updated September 27, 2022