Geographic Availability of Jedox Cloud

When using a Cloud service, it is important to choose the correct region. The closer a region is to your location, the lower the latency. Latency is the delay between the instruction for data transfer and the actual beginning of data transfer; thus, lower latency leads to a faster and better cloud computing experience. One of the ways to reduce latency is choosing the Cloud region that is closest to the geographic location of your users. For example, if most of your users are located in Belgium, the West Europe region would have the lowest latency and consequently the best and fastest Jedox Cloud experience.

Jedox Cloud is available in the following geographies and regions, and you can choose between these regions according to your needs and location. If you do not see your country or region below, contact your Jedox account manager.


East US

West US2


North Europe

West Europe

Germany West Central

France Central

UK South

Middle East

UAE North


Australia East


Southeast Asia (Singapore)

To check which region best suits you in terms of lower latency, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Azure Latency Test web page.

  2. Select one or more regions from those listed in the table above. After choosing the regions, the Average Latency Time in milliseconds will be shown.

  3. Based on the location where most of your users reside, you can choose the region that provides you with the best performance.

If you do not select a location when ordering Jedox Cloud, Jedox will choose the best option, based on your location.

Updated January 9, 2023