Jedox Web Actions: Export Report

While the full toolbar may not be available to the end user, it is still possible to enable them to export a report with the Export report action. The Export report action can trigger an export action directly on a report without requiring any macro code.

To set up the Export report action, first select a form element. You can use a button, a checkbox, a list box, a Date Picker, or a ComboBox for this action. As an example, a button is chosen here.

  1. In the Insert menu, click on the Button icon.
    Insert menu with Button option highlighted

  2. Click on the Actions tab and click on Add action. Select the Export Report action.

  3. The next dialog offers several options for the Action. Using the close button, you can close the action, and by clicking on the Bin icon you can delete the action.

    In the Export as section, you can decide whether the end user can export the report in XLSX Snapshot, XLSX OLAP Snapshot, PDF, HTML formats. In the File name section, you can set a file name, or you can select a Named range, Range, Static value, Settings key, or a Variable as a file name.

Export report Confirmation dialog

When you choose the Export Report action in the Type of action dropdown menu, you can see the Confirmation dialog option at the end of the action dialog.

In the Confirmation dialog, you can customize a confirmation message for the end user. You can add a Title, Body, Primary button label, Secondary button label, and an Icon to your customized message. The screenshot below shows a confirmation message:

Action failure

You can choose between two options in case an action fails. First, choose to show a feedback popup, and second, ignore the failure and go to the next action.

Updated September 27, 2022