Rules for Names of Folders, Workbooks, Worksheets and Ranges

The following characters are not allowed in names of folders, files, and sheets in Jedox Web:

\ / < > [ ] { } ' "

Accents and special characters (such as ß, ä, etc., as well as non-Latin scripts) in these names are possible in principle, but should be avoided, as references to these names are not possible.

Sheet names in a Jedox Spreadsheet workbook must contain at least 3 characters. Single or double quotes are not supported.

It is NOT possible to open two workbooks with the same name in the same session (this applies even if the files have different paths or two different upper- and lower-case spellings.). This is also true for resource workbooks (e.g. globals).

Named ranges (defined names in spreadsheets) cannot start with a possible cell address. For example, "A1Name" is not allowed in Jedox spreadsheets.

The naming convention for a form element conforms to the naming requirements for named ranges and named formulas in the spreadsheet. Characters that are not allowed to be used in the name of a named range (like space character, minus character, or dash character) are also invalid for naming form elements.

If the length of a path (including filename) for a report exceeds 255 characters, that report cannot be opened.

Updated September 27, 2022