Sorting and Filtering for Rows in Jedox Views

In Jedox Views, you can now sort and filter elements shown in the View rows. Sorting and Filtering are accessible via the Context menu on row elements in a View. Elements can be sorted by name or attribute; and they can be filtered by attribute. Additionally, specific elements from the existing View can be checked to filter the View.

To open the Sorting and Filtering dialog, right-click on a View row and choose Filter…

In the Create Filter dialog, you can define Attributes, Conditions, and Values. You can also search for elements and select/deselect elements from the list.

Sorting and filtering in Jedox Excel add-in

To open the Sorting and Filtering dialog in Jedox Excel add-in, right-click on a View row and choose Filter or Sort.

It is also possible to reapply the Filter or clear it from the row.

Updated September 27, 2022