Naming Restrictions for Jedox Objects

This article describes which characters are allowed or not allowed when naming various objects in Jedox. As a rule, names in Jedox are not case sensitive.

File names and paths

  • Maximum allowed length of file names for files in Designer: 64 characters.
  • Jedox Web Spreadsheet’s names should not exceed 40 characters.
  • Maximum allowed length of an overall file path: 4096 characters.


  • Valid characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-
  • Length cannot be 0.
  • Space characters are not allowed.

Dimensions and cubes

  • Length cannot be 0
  • Names cannot begin or end with a space character
  • Names cannot contain any characters with a character code < 32, e.g. Return, Tab, etc
  • A sequence of two or more space characters is not allowed
  • Names cannot begin with a period (.) character
  • Names cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / ? * : | < >
  • The name of a user info dimension must be longer than 2 characters and must start with two hashtags (##)

The following strings are reserved for internal usage, and cannot be used as names for dimensions in OLAP:

  • Dimension
  • Cube
  • View
  • Subset
  • List
  • User
  • Group
  • Cell_Properties

Elements, attributes, and subsets

  • Length cannot be 0.
  • Names cannot begin or end with a space character.
  • Names cannot contain any characters with a character code < 32, e.g. Return, Tab, etc.
  • A sequence of two or more space characters is not allowed.

There are no rules regarding View names.

Jedox OData Hub

The following characters in names can cause issues in OData services: % & ' " # and space character.

Additional Restrictions

  • Sheet names cannot begin or end with single quote characters

When using Jedox in a browser:

  • Element names cannot begin with "< ".
  • In string-type cube cells, an entry cannot start with "< ". Entries consisting only of the words "true" or "false" are not allowed.

ICU Comparison in the In-Memory DB (OLAP)

In the Jedox In-Memory database, the databases, cubes, dimensions, elements, and attributes are named in compliance with the ICU comparison Level 2. This means that, for example, in one single dimension, you cannot have two elements named m2 and m2. The "first one wins" principle is applied, and the higher levels are ignored.

Updated March 19, 2024