Splashing Overview

Consolidated cells do not hold a single, physically stored value, but instead, are calculated in memory based on the underlying base-element data.

Consolidated data values are the sum of base-element data values.

To indicate that you are entering a value intentionally, with the purpose of splitting the value among the subsequent base elements, you can enter a parameter, such as #, !, or a command, such as "copy", and "like", followed by a value. In Jedox, entering data directly into consolidated cells in this fashion is called splashing.

The table below briefly describes the action of each parameter or command. For more details (with examples), follow the links to the related articles.

! Overwrites all related base elements with the specified value.
!! Adds the specified value to the related base elements. Negative values are subtracted from the base elements.
# Splits the specified value evenly across all subordinate base elements, overwriting the existing values.
## Splits the specified value evenly across all subordinate base elements, adding the split value to the existing values. Negative values are subtracted from the base elements.
# … % The specified value sets a percentage of the current value.
## ... % The specified value sets a percentage of the current value and is added to the base elements. Negative values are subtracted from the base elements.
Copy Reads values from one cube cell and applies them to another.
Like Reads the value distribution from one consolidated cell and copies it with another value in a different cell.
Predict Calculates a new value as linear regression based on two or more given values of exactly one dimension.
Fullto/Fullfrom Decreases a source cell value by a specified amount while adding that amount to a target cell.

Jedox further simplifies data distribution with the Planning Assistant, a dialog that offers many ways to manipulate your data.

Updated September 27, 2022