Sort Tab in the Subset Editor

Related article: Subsets Overview

Not all arguments of the function PALO.SORT (described in Jedox / PALO OLAP Functions) can be selected in the Sort tab by clicking on them; some, such as Show duplicates can be found in the General tab and some are generated by a combination of settings in General and Sort. The latter is true when displaying all elements with parents below children and alphabetic sorting on each level, as in the screenshot below:

Depending on your selection, the elements can be displayed as follows:

Sort by Definition All the elements are displayed in their creation order, in flat view or hierarchical order. The latter can be defined in tab General.
Sort by Consolidation All the elements are displayed in tree view, like in the hierarchical view in the Modeler.
Sort by Element Name All the elements are displayed in alphabetical order.

Argument settings of PALO.SORT() with Subset Editor

The PALO.SORT function takes the following form:


Below are descriptions of the arguments settings for each of the arguments in the function.

"Whole" argument

The settings for "Whole" can be found in the General tab of the Subset Editor under the headings "Layout" and "Optional Settings".

"Flat" 0
"Hierarchy" and "Show children of hidden elements" 1
"Hierarchy" without "Show children of hidden elements" 2

0/empty Order of definition.
1 Builds a hierarchic order and shows the children of elements that have been removed from the subset. It is a prerequisite that the children are contained in the subset.
2 Will not show the children of elements that have been removed from the subset, but will cut the view at those particular positions.

"Criteria" argument

The settings for "Criteria" can be found in the Sort tab under the heading "Sort by".

Definition 0
Value 1
Elementname 2
Alias 3
Consolidation (Order of the elements of hierarchical view in Modeler) 4

"Attribute" argument

The settings for "Attribute" can be found in the Sort tab under the heading "Sort by".

Attribute Selected text item

"Type_limitation" argument

The settings for "Type_Limitation" can be found in the Sort tab under the heading "Execute sort for".

All Elements 0
Base Elements only 1
Consolidated Elements only 2

"Level" argument

The settings for "Level" can be found in the Sort tab under the heading "Sort at level".

Sort at Level is not checked Empty
Sort at Level is checked Number "Selected" Enumeration

"Reverse" argument

The settings for "Reverse" can be found in both the General tab and the Sort tab, as outlined below:

General tab: "Flat" selected and "Reverse" box not checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box not checked
General tab: "Flat" selected and "Reverse" box checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box checked
1 (don't work)
General tab: "Flat" selected and "Reverse" box not checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box checked
General tab: "Flat" selected and "Reverse" box checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box checked
3 (don't work)

General tab: "Hierarchy" selected and ""Show parents below children" box not checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box not checked


General tab: "Hierarchy" selected and ""Show parents below children" box checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box not checked


General tab: "Hierarchy" selected and ""Show parents below children" box not checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box checked


General tab: "Hierarchy" selected and ""Show parents below children" box checked
Sort tab: "Reverse" box checked


1 or 3 as an argument only work in conjunction with "Whole <> 0/empty". With 2 as an argument, it is allowed that "Whole = 0/empty"

0/empty Without effect
1 Hierarchical presentation of parents below the children and on every level sorted using criteria
2 A complete reversal of the sorting criteria
3 Hierarchical presentation and reversal of sorting on every level sorted using criteria

"Show duplicates" argument

The settings for "Show duplicates" can be found in the General tab under the heading "Optional Settings".

Show duplicates is not checked 0
Show duplicates is checked 1

Elements in dimension can be added to several parent elements, in so-called parallel hierarchies. By default, Subset includes each occurrence of such elements in the result if they all match the filter criteria. With the option "Show duplicates" you can control this; when set to false, only a single occurrence of the element is included.

"Limit_count" and "Limit_start" arguments

These arguments refer to "Number of Elements" and "Start with Position", respectively, and can be found in the Sort tab under the heading "Subset Limitation".

Number of Elements Number
Start with Position Number (0 for the first element)

Updated September 27, 2022