Zero Suppression

When the Zero Suppression option is enabled, cells with null value will are not displayed. There are various ways you can enable Zero Suppression, both in Jedox Web and Excel Add-in.

Enabling Zero Suppression from the Ribbon

In Jedox Web, you can enable Zero Suppression from the Simple Ribbon by going to View > Zeros.

In Excel Add-in, you can enable this option from the Jedox Ribbon:

In both cases, you can suppress all zeros, only columns or only rows.

Enabling Zero Suppression from the Paste View Window

You can select how you want the null values to be displayed in a view even before pasting it. To do this, go to the Options tab in the Paste View window and select one of the options from the Zero suppression dropdown menu.

You can also choose to suppress null values on the Element Picker for the Page Headers by checking Hide empty elements.

Note: here the dimension Years is back in the page header!

For Rows and Columns, you cannot use the Zero Suppression filter in the Element Picker.

Updated September 27, 2022