Database System Cubes

User rights information is contained in the System Cubes of the System database. To view the database, open the Modeler and click on System→System Cubes in the Navigation pane.

The following System cubes are relevant for user rights:

Level 1 user rights
#_ROLE_RIGHT_OBJECTDefines role access to right objects.
#_GROUP_ROLEDefines roles for groups.
#_USER_GROUPDefines groups for users.
Level 2 user rights
#_GROUP_DATABASE_DATADefines group access to DB objects.

For more information, see Administration of User Rights.

Other System cubes

There are 3 other System cubes that are not relevant for user rights:


The entries of these cubes have no direct effect on user rights, but they do offer the possibility of making specific users, groups, or roles "inactive". This can be very useful for preventing logon during maintenance activities such as ETL jobs. This behavior can be controlled with the "inactive" column in the cube properties.




Note: Access to the System database is managed in the OLAP right object called "rights". If you only grant N access on this right object to a specific role, the members of this role will not be able to see the contents in the System database. For more information, see Rights Objects in Jedox.

Updated September 27, 2022