Access rights in Virtual Dimensions

All access rights and visibility behaviors that exist in the source dimensions/ cubes are preserved when a user works on the "Virtual Dimension enabled" variant of the source dimensions/ cubes. In addition, and irrespective of the "hide element" setting, a Virtual Dimension is hidden for groups that have no rights to the underlying attribute.

When element/ attribute access for some users/ groups is completely disabled, i.e., set on “N” in rights

If hide element is set to "N" (No) Does not show the value in the Virtual cube whenever this element is part of the cell coordinates.
If hide element is set to "Y" (Yes) Does not show the element in the Virtual Dimension at all.

Access rights needed for activation/ deactivation of a Virtual Dimension:

For 'database' and 'cube' right objects

At least R access level.

'dimension element' right object

At least W access level.

#_GROUP_DATABASE_DATA cube, "<group>, <database>" cell
#_GROUP_DIMENSION_DATA_#_<dim>_ cube, "<group>, <attribute element>" cell

Updated September 27, 2022