Session Management of Jedox In-Memory DB

Every new login in the Jedox In-Memory DB creates a new session in the database. This session is assigned a 32-character, alphanumeric session ID, which client components use in further requests. An expiration time for sessions is configurable. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes), meaning that sessions will be invalidated by the Jedox In-Memory DB Server after the session has been idle for 300 seconds. The idle time starts after the server has returned the result of the session's last request.

The configuration of the Jedox In-Memory DB can be changed in the palo.ini file. This file is located in the data directory of the Jedox installation. In this directory, you will also find the sample file palo.ini.sample. There you will find a short description of the available parameters.

Updated September 27, 2022