Accessing Network Files

Accessing files on network drives where data resides (e.g. Access file) on Windows

  1. Remove JedoxSuiteTomcatService by running as administrator: ...\Jedox Suite\tomcat\bin\serviceRemove.bat
  2. Install JedoxSuiteTomcatService by running as administrator: ...\Jedox Suite\tomcat\bin\serviceInstall.bat
  3. Stop JedoxSuiteTomcatService
  4. For the JedoxSuiteTomcatService, set a user who can access network drives:
    Right-click on JedoxSuiteTomcatService Service and navigate to Properties→Log On→This Account→Browse→Advanced…→Find now, then enter the password and click Apply.
    Note: this user should have local Administrator rights.
    The user can also be changed via CMD: sc.exe config "JedoxSuiteTomcatService" obj= ".\admin" password= "xyz"
  5. Start JedoxSuiteTomcatService.


  • After a new installation of the JedoxSuiteTomcatService, the user has to be set again. This happens e.g. during a Jedox Update Setup.
  • The path of the network address has to start with \\<server>\. The drive letter of a mapped network drive is not accepted.
  • An explicit setting of a Java Security Manager is no longer required in Windows.

Accessing files on network drives where data resides (e.g. Access file) on Linux

  1. Stop Tomcat process.
  2. Umount local mount point to make sure nothing is mounted already. Example: "umount /opt/jedox/ps/netmount 2>/dev/null".
  3. Mount shared directory (Samba/Windows Share) to the local mount point. Example: "sudo mount -t cifs -o user=Administrator%Adminpass //".
  4. Go into the following directory: "/opt/Jedox/Jedox Suite/tomcat-etl/"
    and open the file: "".There you have to change the following entry: JEDOX_TOMCAT_START_ARG=
  5. Restart Tomcat process.
    Now the message occurs that tomcat was started using the Security Manager.

Updated June 5, 2023