Command-Line-Client Parameters

Integrator projects can be run from the command line by using the CLI tool EtlClient. For a list of valid parameters, start the ETLClient with the -h option. For more information, see Integrator Command-Line Client.

Valid parameters are described below. Click on the column headings to sort by column.


Alternative Option






Add the specified project to the server. The path to the project file can be set globally or locally.




Context variables to use for execution of jobs, loads, and sources and for flow graph.




Set the name of XML file that contains the context variables values.




Get a component output structure of an extract/transform. The locator can be of type sampleBiker.sources.extract/transform-name or sampleBiker.extracts.extractName/ sampleBiker.transforms.transformName

-cp --copy <sourceLocator targetLocator> Copy components with or without their dependencies




Get the data from the specified source (extract or transform). Number of lines and start line can be defined with -n option. Valid only in combination with -p option.




Transfer data from a source to csv or xml. Valid only in combination with the -d option.




Get detailed drillthrough data of a datastore.



Get storage information for all drillthrough operations.



<fromid toid>

Get history of executions in interval of execution IDs. Filter on project, job, and load with -p, -j, -l options.




Display the runtime details of an execution.




Display the runtime details of an execution as an SVG graph.

-eid --execid   Get the most recent execution id.




Display the log of an execution.



<fromid toid>

Remove executions from the history in interval of execution IDs. Filter on project, job, and load with -p, -j, -l options.

-ev --execvariables <executionid> Display the initial variable settings of an execution.




Set the output format of a tree source. Valid only in combination with -d option.




Get project configuration from server.




Get flow graph of a component as SVG definition. Set graph properties with -c option. Write output to a file with -o option.



Show help message.



Get info about the server status and the jobs running.




Execute the specified job of the project. Multiple jobs are separated with '.'. Valid only in combination with -p option.




Terminate a running execution by its id, or "ALL" for all running or queued executions. Use -i option to get info about running executions.




Execute the specified load of the project. Multiple loads are separated with '.'. Valid only in combination with -p option.




Set the log level of this client. Possible values are: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL. Valid only with -el option. Note: the logs are displayed from history; so, for example, if the debug level was not set when an execution was run, then "-ll DEBUG" will not show any debug logs.



List all projects on the server with no argument given, or project details of the project given with -p option.




Migrate project configuration to actual definition standard.




Limitation of data output to sample of n lines. Valid only in combination with -d, -dr, and -e options. A second parameter can be given for the start line that is only valid with -d.




Write output to a file.




Specify the Integrator project. If no further option is set, the default job of the project is executed. The project has to be added to the server with option -a before.




Get the documentation of a project. Add the flow graph of jobs with -j option. Write output to file system by giving its target directory with -o option.




Generate a prototype project.




Give the password. Should be used with combination –u.




Remove the specified project from server.



<locator newName>

Rename a component to a new name and updates its dependencies.




Use this Integrator server: name[:port].




Use an existing server profile.




Create/update a server profile.




Validate and test a project or a project component in runtime without actually writing data. A component is specified in the form
<projectName>.{connections|extracts| transforms|loads|jobs}.<componentName>




Give the username. Should be used with combination –pw.




Update the specified project to the server. The path to the project file can be set globally or locally.




Validate existing project configuration without executing.




Wait for the specified job/load of the project to finish. Takes value true/false. Valid only in combination with -j/-l options.

-wd --withDependencies <withDependencies> If set to true, a component is copied with all its dependencies. It takes the values true or false. Valid only with -cp option

Generating project documentation


etlclient -pd <projectname> -j <jobname1> <jobname2> .... -o <directory>


  1. Create project documentation for project sampleBiker without flow graphs in directory C:/EtlDoku1:
    etlclient -pd sampleBiker -o C:/EtlDoku1
  2. Create project documentation for project sampleBiker with flow graphs of job Masterdata and Cubedata:
    etlclient -pd sampleBiker -j Masterdata Cubedata -o C:/EtlDoku2
  3. Create documentation for job Cubedata in project sampleBiker. It only contains the referenced components of this job and the flow graph of job Cubedata:
    etlclient -pd -o C:/EtlDoku3

The documentation can be displayed by opening file etldocumentation.html with a browser. Note that Internet Explorer 9 doesn't display the graphical flow graph due to insufficient support for the SVG format.

The following files are generated in the output directory:

etldoc.xml Contains all project- and component-related information, SVG flow graphs, references, and all component fields (references etldoc.xslt).
etldoc.xslt The XSTL transformation of etldoc.xml. By adapting this file, the layout and content of the documentation can be modified (references etldoc.css).
etldoc.css A style sheet (references etldoc_bg.png).
etldoc_bg.png A background image.
etldocumentation.html The documentation file to be displayed in the browser. Technically, it is etldoc.xslt transformation applied to etldoc.xml (requires only files etldoc.css and etldoc_bg.png).

Progress logs

It is possible to generate additional info messages indicating the progress of a job or a data preview. This is helpful for the analysis of long-running Jedox Integrator jobs with high data volume.

For one or several components of the Jedox Integrator job (extract, transform, or load), a log block size can be indicated as a command line parameter. Each time the component has processed a block, an info message will appear.

Notation: -c #<componentName>.logBlockSize=<n>


-p samples\sampleBiker -j Cubedata-c



This will lead to these additional log messages:

INFO : 1 rows processed from extract Orderlines
INFO : 500 rows processed from extract Orderlines
INFO : 1000 rows processed from extract Orderlines
INFO : 2000 rows processed from load OrdersCube

Updated September 27, 2022