Jedox Access Restrictions

In the Access List section of the Jedox Cloud Console, users can create security rules that restrict inbound traffic, allowing connections only for the specified IP addresses.

Note: OLAP connections are not affected by these security rules.

You can set restrictions for each service as follows:

  • SFTP: Only the SFTP access from the defined CIDR range is allowed.

  • HTTP(S): Only the Jedox Web access from the defined CIDR range is allowed.

  • All (Everything): Both, the Jedox Web and SFTP access are allowed from the defined CIDR range.

Once you have set up a rule for a service, inbound access for this service will be allowed only from the corresponding CIDR range. All other access will be denied. If no access rule is set, the traffic will be allowed from any source.

Updated May 3, 2023