Creating a Canvas

A Jedox Canvas is a new sheet object within a workbook. You can create a new canvas within an existing workbook or with a new workbook.

There are four ways to create a new Canvas:

  • When inside an existing workbook, right-click on the New Sheet at the bottom of the page, and choose New Canvas.

  • In the File menu, click on Create, and then choose New Canvas.

  • In the Page Layout menu, click on Insert Canvas.

  • You can also create a new Canvas on the Start page.

    To enable the Canvas option on the Start page, click on the Start options and select the Create Canvas.

A Canvas references existing workbook objects, such as a combobox, frameset, or even a complete workbook sheet. Note: DynaRanges are not supported at this time.

Next step: adding Frames inside a worksheet

Updated September 27, 2022