PowerBI Connection

This component defines a connection to Microsoft's Power BI, a business analytics service. This connection is then used in a PowerBI Load to load the data from Jedox into Power BI, where it can be used for analysis and visualization.

To use Power BI, you must have an active subscription to Office 365 with Power BI and a Power BI license from Jedox.

The connection requires two steps:

  1. Registering your app in Azure Active Directory.
  2. Creating a PowerBI connection in Jedox Integrator.

Note: the Power BI API has some limitations, including an hourly limit of 1,000,000 rows per dataset. Please refer to Microsoft's documentation on Power BI REST API Limitations for details.


1. Setting up the Azure Active Directory app

To connect to a Power BI instance from Jedox, you must first register your app in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

For that, log into the Azure portal, go to the "App registrations" section, and click New registration.

After registering the app, copy the Application (client) ID for use in the next step, setting up the PowerBI connection in Jedox Integrator.

In addition, for the registered app Power BI Service API permissions have to be assigned. To do this, open your registered application, go to the "API permissions" section, and click on Add a permission. Then select "Power BI Service".

Note: MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) is not supported.

For details, please refer to Microsoft Azure App Services Documentation.


2. Setting up the PowerBI connection in Jedox Integrator

Use token connection Allows the connection to be authenticated with an OAuth2 token. When the box is checked, you will see a dropdown menu for selecting the OAuth2 connection.

Configuring the OAuth2 Connection

To configure the endpoint in the OAuthToken connection, enter the following values. The URLs should be entered exactly as they appear below.

  • Token endpoint: https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/token

  • Request parameter name: resource

  • Request parameter value: https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api

Azure application ID The application ID in Azure Active Directory (also called App ID or Client ID), as established in step 1 above.
Group name Name of the Power BI group. The group's workspace will be the target of Power BI loads. If no group is specified, the default workspace of the user is used.
User name Power BI user name (Microsoft Office 365 user name)
Password Power BI user password
SSL mode verify: the certificate is verified.
trust: the certificate is imported to the keystore if not yet available.
off: no SSL used.

For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-integrating-applications.

Updated September 27, 2022