SalesforceObject Extract

With this extract type, you can read data directly from objects.

A Salesforce Connector License and a Connection to Salesforce is required.


Connection A connection of type Salesforce
Salesforce object Name of the standard or custom SalesforceObjects (such as database table) containing the organization's information, e.g. Account. The user must have read-level permission for that object.
Output columns Specifies a list of one or more fields that should be retrieved from the specified object. An alias name of the field and a default value in case of empty or null values can be optionally assigned.
Where-filter Operators:
  • Equals: (=)
  • Not equals: (<>)
  • Less than: (<)
  • Less or equal: (<=)
  • Greater than: (>)
  • Greater or equal: (>=)
  • Like: in this case, the filter value is a pattern. The condition is true if the field data matches the pattern. You can use the following wildcard characters in the pattern: % for a sequence of any characters (including spaces) and _ for a single character. The Like operator performs a case-insensitive match. Example: appl%
  • IN: the filter value is a list of values. The condition is true if the value equals any one of the specified values. Example: 'California', 'New York'
  • Not IN: The filter value is a list of values. The condition is true if the value does not equal any one of the specified values.
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
Logical filter expression With this parameter, a Boolean condition can be applied for if several filter conditions have been defined. Valid symbols are: [0-9] ( ) AND OR NOT


  • (1 AND 2) OR 3: Retrieves records that match both the first two filter rows or the third.
  • 1 AND (2 OR 3): Retrieves records that match both the first filter row and one of the last two.

If no logical filter expression is defined, an AND filter is applied, i.e. 1 AND 2 AND ... AND n.

Sorting Ascending or descending order of the entered column.
Limit Sets the number of rows allowed in the table.
Offset Sets a unit to offset from the beginning of the table. Note: Offset is not available when using Bulk API.
Distinct When checked, only distinct values from the source are returned.
Aggregated columns

Use aggregate functions from a relational source. Select the column and type of aggregation. If aggregate functions are used, the GROUP-BY statement is automatically generated from output columns table.

Possible aggregations are:

  • SUM: gets the sum of the selected column (from all result rows)
  • MIN: gets the minimum value of the selected column
  • MAX: gets the maximum value of the selected column
  • AVG: gets the average value of the selected column (from all result rows).
  • COUNT: counts occurrences of selected columns (of all result rows)
  • COUNT_DISTINCT: same as COUNT, but applied to distinct values*

* duplicated result rows are not calculated

Having-filter Same as Where-Filter, but applied to result of aggregated columns. Note: Having-Filter is not available when using Bulk API.
Logical filter expression Same as logical filter expression, but applied to Having-filters.
Query attachment An optional part of a SOQL query with additional options that are appended to the generated SOQL statement.



Use bulk API
Use the Bulk API provided by Salesforce for processing large numbers of records asynchronously. If not set, the (classic) REST API from Salesforce will be used; this API may result in better performance for small and medium data volumes. Note: when using Bulk API, the Offset and Having-Filter options are not available.
Use caching Memory, disk, or none (default). See Caching in Extracts for more information.

Note: Salesforce uses the proprietary query language SOQL (SalesforceObject Query Language) for data retrieval. This extract type generates an SOQL SELECT statement based on the entered criteria. For more generic SOQL queries, the extract type SalesforceSOQL should be used.

Updated September 27, 2022