In-Preview Features

Updated May 3, 2023

Related articles: Breaking Changes in Jedox and Deprecated Features

Some Jedox features are released IN PREVIEW. These features have undergone testing and passed quality thresholds, but they should not be used in production until they have reached “generally available” (GA) status. For features in preview, we are targeting a maximum of two releases for maturation, i.e., it will take a maximum of two releases until they become GA. Our intention is to get your feedback on these features before making them GA and production-ready. These in-preview features may undergo minor design changes while going through the maturation process. Most in-preview features can be enabled in Jedox Web Administration.

The following features have been or currently are in preview. If the feature has become generally available (GA), we noted the version in which it became GA.

Feature description In preview version GA version
Preflight Check 2021.3 2021.4
Virtual Dimensions 2021.2 2021.3
Sorting and filtering for rows in Jedox Views 2021.2 2021.3
PALO.SETDATAC for Excel Add-in 2021.2 2021.3
Change of format for rule import/export file format 2021.2 2022.2  
Canvas 2021.1 2021.2
Elements grid in Modeler optimized for large dimensions 2021.1 2021.2
PHP 7 in PHP Macro Engine 2021.1 2021.3
Paste Elements as web dialog in Excel Add-in 2021.1  
Back-end changes to PostgresSQL in Drillthrough for Cloud customers 2021.1  
Subsets stored with View XML schema 2020.4 2021.2
REST-based API for Integrator 2020.4 2021.1
Web dialog for Paste View in Excel 2020.4 2021.2
Improvements to stored subsets in Jedox Views 2020.3 2020.4
Jedox Lists 2020.3 2020.4
Redesign of Paste View dialog 2020.3 2020.4
Support for subsets in rule sources and aggregations 2020.3 2020.4
OLAP rules can use global subset results in rule target definitions 2020.1 2020.4
New setup for Excel Add-in 2020.1 2020.2
Jedox Add-in for Excel 365 2.0.0 2.2.0  
ComboBoxes support very large dimensions 2019.3 2020.2
Dynamic views – styles and formats 2019.3 2020.1
Using a view as a chart source 2019.3 2020.2
New shortcut for concatenation 2019.3 2020.3
Lightweight GPU 2019.2 2019.3
Stored subsets can be flagged as default 2019.2 2019.4
Stored views can be flagged as default 2019.2 2019.3
Jedox Web Subset Editor can now be enabled in the Excel Add-in 2019.1 2019.2
Email notifications are configurable in the Scheduler templates 2019.1 2019.3
Storing dimensions in binary format 2018.4 2021.3
Disable saving CSV files for dimensions 2018.4 2021.3
OLAP Server performance and log information 2018.4 2019.1
Optional timeout for In-Memory DB Server requests in client components 2018.4 2019.3
Request Profiler 2018.4 2021.1
Flexible cube layout with dynamic cell reference (DCR) 2018.3 2018.4
Optimization for database file storage 2018.2 2019.1

Change of format for rule import/export file format (GA 2022.2)

When using import/export functionality for rules in the Rule Editor, the file format for exported rules will be changed. Instead of exporting a *.txt file, a database script will be created. The import of rules in the Rule Editor will also only support import of database scripts containing rule definitions. This feature is in preview in 21.2 and can be enabled by turning on the Preview option in Jedox Web Settings. (46472)

Subsets stored with View XML schema (GA 2021.2)

The Subset Editor will store subsets using the View XML schema rather than the legacy Subset XML schema. The View XML schema offers several advantages; for example, the stored subset remains stable when attributes are recreated while using AFilter. (43130)

Lightweight GPU (GA 2019.3)

The internal architecture of the GPU Accelerator has been redesigned for more efficient memory usage. Calculations on cubes converted to GPU now use the same storage structure as CPU calculations, which also greatly improves the speed of converting a cube to GPU.

Although in preview, this feature is fully usable, and no manual migration steps are required. Note that the configuration options gpu-data-storage and gpu-dim-order for the In-Memory DB are now obsolete.

Stored subsets can be flagged as default (GA 2019.4)

A stored subset can now be flagged as the default for a dimension in both the Subset Editor and Select Elements dialogs. When opening either dialog on new ComboBoxes, DynaRanges, etc., the dialog checks for the existence of a flagged default subset and if found, selects it.

Stored views can be flagged as default (GA 2019.3)

You can now flag a stored view as default from the Cubes section in the Modeler.

Jedox Web Subset Editor can now be enabled in the Excel Add-in (GA 2019.2)

You can enable Jedox Excel Add-in to paste a subset from Jedox Web. To do this, you must set a DWORD 32 registry key in the Registry Editor.

Email notification are configurable in the Scheduler templates (GA 2019.3)

You cannot configure the text of the email notification sent by the Scheduler with the help of the variable text blocks You can create and store various templates for mail texts.

OLAP Server performance and log information (GA 2019.1)

As announced in 2018.3, the OLAP Server can now log certain information regarding performance and resource usage into a dedicated log backend, using the syslog protocol. New configuration options have been introduced for the facility and specific verbosity. The timestamps of the messages are now sent to the syslog.

Optional timeout for In-Memory DB Server requests in client components (GA 2019.3)

A timeout period can now be set for In-Memory DB Server requests in client components. If the defined timeout is reached while the client is waiting for In-Memory DB Server to finish a running request, the client will close the connection. By default, the timeout is not configured in any component.

Storing dimensions in binary format (in preview as of 2018.4)

Dimensions can now be saved in binary format, which speeds up load performance. This feature can be enabled in palo.ini by setting the value of the key dimension-file-format to binary. Note that databases containing dimensions stored in binary format are not portable between Linux and Windows.

Disable saving CSV files for dimensions (in preview as of 2018.4)

Reduces time needed for saving dimension files by saving them as .bin rather than .csv. This feature can be enabled in the palo.ini with the key no-csv-save-dim.

Optimization for database file storage (GA 2019.1)

A configuration option for Jedox In-Memory DB Server allows storage of cube data on the server’s hard drive only in binary format, not in CSV format. The binary format greatly speeds up the time needed for processing files on the file system in comparison to CSV, such as when the server is shut down. This configuration option is now in preview. It can be used by setting the value “no-csv-save” in the palo.ini configuration file.

Batch export in PNG format (GA 2018.3)

Besides export of report in PDF and XLSX format, it's now also possible to create tasks that will export the report in the PNG image format